African Mental Health Professionals Declare SOGI Forced Change Conversion Practices Dangerous
We now invite the public to co-sign this declaration, and especially urge other mental health professionals, related experts,...

Open and Affirming UCC Issues Bold Statement Condemning Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023
"Thank you to Rev. Dr. Katrina Roseboro-Marsh and UCC and partners for their bold and profound statement condemning Uganda's Kill the...

HRAPF Analysis of Amendment Passage of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill
By Melanie Nathan, May 03, 2023. Yesterday we posted about Uganda's Parliament passing the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 for a second time...

AHRC Statement on Uganda's Passage of the Amended Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023
By melanie Nathan, May 02, 2023. The Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023 was passed in Uganda's Parliament for the second time and is now on...

Ugandan Parliament Passes 'KILL THE GAYS' ANTI-HOMOSEXUALITY BILL after return to Parliament.
By Melanie Nathan, May 02, 2023. "I love the Unity of this Parliaments- Let's continue to work for the good of humanity", were the...

Uganda's Choice: Lose Trade Benefits if AHA Becomes Law
LINKED IN VERSION OF TITLE - as it will not allow posting to use Header "KILL THE GAYS" - Uganda's Choice: Parliament to Decide - Kill...

African Human Rights Coalition Statement on Biden Admin’s New Announcement on Legal Migration
African Human Rights Coalition welcomes the Biden Administration’s news on what is termed the “expanded and improved” legal migration...

Uganda's Choice: Parliament to Decide - Kill Gays or Trade with America and the World
By Melanie Nathan, April 28, 2023 The United States is threatening sanctions against Uganda should the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 become...

U.S. Sec Blinken to Urge Uganda to STOP KILL THE GAYS BILL or Trade Benefits Will be Revoked
By Melanie Nathan, April 27, 2023 The United States is threatening sanctions against Uganda should the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 become...

Contentious: Ugandan President Does not Want Gays Criminalized for Being Homosexual
By Melanie Nathan, April 27, 2023. In reading his letter addressed to the Ugandan Parliament, it is clear that President Museveni seems...