Lesbian Visibility Week at African Human Rights Coalition
In recognition of Lesbian Visibility Week we remind that African Human Rights Coalition is lesbian led. Melanie Nathan, who founded the...

U.S. Sanctions with Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act Back to Parliament -
By Melanie Nathan, April 26,2023 From Uganda's Parliament session today, African Human Rights Coalition updates the following directly...

AHRC Warns Against Jobs in Dubai, Jordan and ME Countries
In the past several months AHRC has received requests from lesbians who are basically in servitude or languishing stuck in countries in...

CORPORATIONS Listed by Human Rights Campaign Threaten Boycotts of Kansas yet Silent on Uganda
By Melanie Nathan, April 22, 2023 In a recent Press Release, Human Rights Campaign noted: “ Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the...

How America Failed Uganda's Gays
By Melanie Nathan, April 22, 2023. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni issued a press statement (see below) in his decision not to assent...

Ugandan Org Calls for Advocates to Keep Pushing for Complete Rejection of Anti-Homosexuality Act
By Melanie Nathan, April 21, 2023 As previously reported, the ruling NRM Party caucus agreed with the President of Uganda to return the...

Museveni and NRM Issue Unhinged ANTI-HOMOSEXUALITY Statement on Website
Here is the UNHINGED statement of President Museveni as it appears on the NRM website, in a fuutile attempt to justify the impending...

By Melanie Nathan, April 20, 2023 Uganda’s Attorney General has told parliament to amend several provisions in the Anti-Homosexuality...

Ugandan Press Says KILL THE GAYS BILL is revenge Against USA and EU for Oil Pipeline Resolution
AND TO FORCE NEGOTIATION By Melanie Nathan, April 18, 2023 On March 17 Uganda's Parliament passed The Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023,...

Christian Evangelicals at Inter-Parliamentary Family Values Conference Endorses KILL THE GAYS
The American Evangelicals are on African soil promoting anti-homosexuality and death penalties for gays in a symbiotic relationship that...