Lawsuit Filed as the U.S. Withholds Muslim and Africa Travel Ban Information
State Department, CBP Illegally Withholding Records on Immigration Ban Waivers and Purported “Worldwide Review” Washington, DC — Today,...

Fun-Filled Event at the Heart of Alight, AHRC and Refugee LGBTI Community Alliance in COVID-19 Respo
PRESS RELEASE DATED: 4/30/2020 ALIGHT and Event Contact: Steph Koehne:stephaniek@wearealight.org AHRC Contact: Melanie Nathan:...

Police Action Reported after LGBTI Kakuma Refugee Group Sit-In during COVID-19 Lockdown
Yesterday we reported and on the group of some 50-60 LGBTI refugees who had left their community shelters at Kakuma Camp in Kenya for the...

UNHCR and African HRC Call for Support for COVID-19 Compliance
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, expressed today its concern about a sit-in in front of its office in Kakuma, Kenya, organized by some 60...

UNHCR Steps Up For COVID-19 Preparation and urges Global Community Support for Refugees
African Human Rights Coalition (AHRC) understands the limitations and dangers presented by CoronaVirus with regard to refugees. AHRC, in...

Lawyers Denied Access to LGBTI in Ugandan Prison for Bail and Trial Preparation
Today, Friday 24th April 2020, Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) filed a case before the Civil Division of the High...

AHRC Submits Formal Comments To CDC For Urgent Withdrawal of Anti-Asylum Rule
Melanie Nathan: "African Human Rights Coalition (AHRC- African HRC) has submitted the following comment and objection to the CDC Rule...

African Human Rights Coalition is a proud signatory to a letter, in coalition with CGRS, tASISTA, the Asian Pacific Institute on...

Responding to Tragic Death of Ugandan LGBTI Refugee
African Human Rights Coalition is deeply saddened to hear of the tragic passing today of Ugandan national, and refugee Aneste Mweru, age...

Advisory by AHRC for Kakuma COVID-19 LGBTI Food and Supply Response
FACT SHEET RE KAKUMA CAMP: COVID-19 FOOD RESPONSE Emergency Response Preparation by ALLOut – RefCEA – AHRC- April 09, 2020 A. INTRO ...