African HRC Congratulates Special U.S. Envoy for LGBT Human Rights
African HRC applauds the U.S. and Secretary of State John Kerry, while congratulating veteran diplomat Randy Berry, who has been...

Delivery of Signatures to Pardon Gays in UK
The family of Alan Turing, the subject of the Oscar-award winning film The Imitation Game, delivered signatures from the Change.org...

Two suspected Gay Men arrested in Kenya
Reports are that the men have been assaulted and a warning issued of door to door hunts for gay men in the area. Yesterday Kenyan police...

Ugandan Gay Refugees in Kenya Targets of Fraud Blackmail and Arrests
By Melanie Nathan, Febraury 19, 2015. It seems like unscrupulous people may be taking advantage of LGBTI people who seek to escape their...

East African Court Disallows Amicus Curiae in Anti-Homosexuality Act Challenge
The East African Court of Justice (EACJ) dismissed the applications filed by the organizations, UHAI EASHRI and HDI-Rwanda in their...

South African Media Files Urgent Court Application Against Parliament
Several media houses and freedom advocates, including Primedia Broadcasting, in South Africa, have filed an urgent high court action to...

Flood Relief Workers Demand Sex for Food from Women Victims
Malawi Gender Activists Blast Relief Workers for Demanding Sex From Female Flood Victims The Non Governmental Organisation Gender...

Israel's First Global LGBT Leadership Summit
40 Years of Pride Conference Organized by The Aguda and A Wider Bridge, the 40 Years of Pride Conference will bring together diverse...

Shocking Comments by Republican Human Rights Chairman
Human Rights Chairman - ‘Homosexual Rights Are Not Human Rights’ Chris Smith Republican Chris Smith of New Jersey, who currently serves...

LGBT-FAN and African HRC at Creating Change Conference 2015
Just landing in Denver today for the 27th National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change, organized by the National Gay and...