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Israel's First Global LGBT Leadership Summit

40 Years of Pride Conference

Organized by The Aguda and A Wider Bridge, the 40 Years of Pride Conference will bring together diverse LGBTQ leaders from around the world, people at the forefront of LGBTQ issues in political and legal activism, religion, media, arts and culture, and business. June 9-11, 2015 The Royal Beach Hotel Tel Aviv, Israel The conference will gather in the heart of Tel Aviv, home to a vibrant and committed LGBT community, to inspire and strengthen each other, build our skills and networks, and celebrate 40 years of LGBTQ progress in Israel. Participants will also travel to the historic city of Jerusalem to visit Yad v’Shem, the Old City, and meet with key Israeli policy makers and community leaders in the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament).

The Conference concludes the day before the ever-fabulous weekend of Tel Aviv Pride, a celebration that attracts 150,000 people from across the world.

For more information, please visit the conference website

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