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International Criminal Court Celebrates 20 years

July 2018 marked 20 years since the adoption of the Rome Statute, establishing the first permanent international criminal court with a mandate to investigate and prosecute individuals who participate in international atrocity crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Since then, the Court has taken on cases from Sudan to Central African Republic, with varying degrees of success.

The Court participates in the global fight to end impunity, and through international criminal justice, the Court aims to hold those responsible accountable for their crimes and to help prevent these crimes from happening again. This is a court of last resort, seeking to complement, not replace, national Courts. Governed by the international treaty, the Rome Statute, the ICC is the world’s first permanent international criminal court. The United Sates is not a signatory:

1. Afghanistan 2. Albania 3. Andorra 4. Antigua and Barbuda 5. Argentina 6. Australia 7. Austria 8. Bangladesh 9. Barbados 10. Belgium 11. Belize 12. Benin 13. Bolivia 14. Bosnia 15. Botswana 16. Brazil 17. Bulgaria 18. Burkina Faso 19. Burundi 20. Cambodia 21. Canada 22. Cape Verde 23. Central African Republic 24. Chad 25. Chile 26. Colombia 27. Comoros 28. Congo 29. Cook Island 30. Costa Rica 31. Croatia 32. Czech Republic 33. Democratic Republic of Congo 34. Denmark 35. Djibouti 36. Dominica 37. Dominican Republic 38. Ecuador 39. Estonia 40. Fiji 41. Finland 42. France 43. Gabon 44. Gambia 45. Georgia 46. Germany 47. Ghana 48. Greece 49. Grenada 50. Guatemala 51. Guinea 52. Honduras 53. Hungary 54. Hungary 55. Iceland 56. Ireland 57. Italy 58. Japan 59. Jordan 60. Kenya 61. Latvia 62. Lesotho 63. Liberia 64. Liechtenstein 65. Lithuania 66. Luxembourg 67. Madagascar 68. Malawi 69. Maldives 70. Mali 71. Malta 72. Marshall Islands 73. Mauritius 74. Mexico 75. Mongolia 76. Montenegro 77. Namibia 78. Nauru 79. Netherlands 80. New Zealand’s 81. Niger 82. Norway 83. Panama 84. Paraguay 85. Peru 86. Philippines 87. Poland 88. Portugal 89. Republic of Korea 90. Republic of Moldova 91. Romania 92. Saint Kitts 93. Saint Lucia 94. Saint Vincent 95. Samoa 96. San Marino 97. Senegal 98. Serbia 99. Seychelles 100. Sierra Leone 101. Slovakia 102. South Africa 103. Spain 104. Suriname 105. Sweden 106. Switzerland 107. Tajikistan 108. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 109. Timor-Leste 110. Trinidad 111. Tunisia 112. Uganda 113. United Kingdom 114. United Republic of Tanzania 115. Uruguay 116. Vanuatu 117. Venezuela 118. Zambia

  • Situations under Investigation

  • Uganda

  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Darfur, Sudan

  • Central African Republic

  • The Republic of Kenya

  • Libya

  • Côte d’Ivoire

  • Mali

  • Central African Republic II

  • Georgia

  • Burundi

On 27th September, thirty-five countries renewed their support for the International Criminal Court at the United Nations General Assembly. Notably the United States of America has never ratified the treaty.

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