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Denis LeBlanc, Canadian Gay Rights Pioneer and African HRC Supporter Dies

I am so sad to report that my dear friend and our supporter Denis LeBlanc has passed away.

When African HRC was in deep need, Denis was one who came forward with his tender loving support. He spread the word for those in need and always ensured issues needing awareness were placed at the fore. His support for LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers was unwavering and his encouragement of our work will be so missed.

Our dear friend will be remembered as a man of deep thought and compassion and generosity.

His loss is a huge blow to me and to African Human Rights Coalition. His loss is sorely grieved. May his dear soul rest in peace and may his memory be forever a blessing. Condolences to family and friends. If you want to read more about Denis and his amazing life - please for this website tribute:

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