Among the most predictably vulnerable during the Corona Virus pandemic is clearly the world's refugee and migration population and the most vulnerable of all refugees are LGBTQI refugees, worldwide. Over 70 countries criminalize LGBTI people for their sexuality and gender identity. Many have compromised immune systems, major trauma, and underlying medical conditions, all an added threat when trying to avert Covid-19 and its harshest of consequences. Many have sought exile, many are asylum seekers in foreign countries, refugees in camps as well as urban areas and many are in the midst of a migration process that defies definition. All are at severe risk of starvation, sickness and death.
Working on the emergency through my position directing African Human Rights Coalition, I have made several observations:
Certain countries have done very little in advance to specifically prepare for the needs of the refugee populations, other than to merely issue orders to STAY AT HOME, with little to no preparation as to how people will reach food an receive other imperative services. Lest we forget many have no shelter and no home;
Some countries have made things more difficult for asylum seekers and refugees, such as the United States, by closing borders completely to those seeking refuge;
Some countries have the troops out on the streets, beating and arresting citizens and foreigners alike, and whereas citizens generally have family and places to go, refugees and especially LGBTI refugees, do not;
UNHCR is under-funded and in desperate need of funding to be able to make a dent into what will be required of them with regard to this pandemic, moving forward.
Already the harshest of measures are being employed. Uganda for example already shot people on street for disobeying the movement ban orders. How will this bode for refugees seeking safety and food? Especially LGBTI who often are alone?
African HRC has entered into partnership with ALLOut, and RefCEA in Kenya, seeking funding at this time to feed and shelter LGBTQI refugees during this pandemic.
The following funds are needing support:
GENERAL EMERGENCY AND OPERATIONAL FUND FOR AFRICAN LGBTQI PEOPLE: in Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal, Nigeria, Tanzania, DRC, Burundi, Rwanda, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Angola, Niger, The Gambia, Ghana: AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS COALITION: HERE where you will receive a tax deduction in the USA.

Proudly, we are working hard at African HRC and have partnered with ALLOut and RefCEA to feed and shelter LGBTI refugees during COVID-19 outbreak.
While many of us are staying home to preserve our lives and the lives of people we love, LGBT+ refugees at Kakuma – the world’s largest refugee camp, located in the northwest region of Kenya – have no choice.
When COVID-19 arrives in Kakuma, it’s going to be swift and devastating. Especially for LGBT+ refugees, who are often forgotten about and left to fight for survival.
Donate today to help pay for meals, emergency transport, and medical care for 200 LGBT+ refugees in Kakuma over the next 3 months 👉HERE: