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African HRC HOLIDAY Gifting Certificates to Support LGBTQI Refugees and Asylum Seekers

African Human Rights Coalition works with LGBTQI individuals who have been displaced due to persecution, discrimination and in many cases extreme violence.

To support African HRC Safe Shelter Programs we offer attractive and informative TOGETHER WE STAND Gifting Certificates where supporters can donate in the name of friends, colleagues and loved ones for birthdays, holidays, memorials, etc. and we send out an email certificate to the designated person in return.

The certificate goes a long way toward the support we need, while creating awareness and conversation for those receiving it, and very significantly, the TLC conveyed to refugees serves as hope! Notably, a supporter gave a certificate, among several other gifts, to her 12 year old daughter, and when asking her which was her favorite gift, the daughter replied that the 'coolest gift' was learning about the refugees and knowing she could help...

Certificates are customized for the individual receiving it...

Gifting Certificates amounts are as follows:

$ 36.00 - Food for 2 for a month $ 60.00 - Safe shelter for a month $108.00 - Holiday Party for Safe House (6-12 Individuals)

or if you do not require a GIFTING DONOR CERTIFICATE you can still donate to all our programs HERE.

If you would like to give a TOGETHER WE STAND gifting certificate drive please send us your e-mail address through our contact form HERE

Please Insert: HOLIDAY CERTIFICATE into Subject line.



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