Pesach and the Stranger - Do not Pass Over LGBTQI Africa
April 14, 2022, 13 Nissan 5782
Dear Friends,
We are reminded to talk about the stranger at our Seder table.
The Jewish people memorialize the Exodus from Egypt during the Pesach (Passover) Holiday, this year April 15 to April 23, reading and citing blessings from the Haggadah, where a passage from Exodus notes, “You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of a stranger.” This is a message insisting not only on compassion, but also on action. Failure to provide equal protection and equal resources to any stranger is in and of itself tantamount to exacerbating oppression.
Over four cups of wine, we traditionally reflect on who, currently, languishes in a metaphorical Egypt: This holiday, many will likely talk about Ukrainians who went from living their lives to running for their lives. As we do so, please do not refrain from talking about and responding equally for all people in forced displacement – from Tigray/Ethiopia - to Syria - to DRC - to Haiti - to Honduras - to Kenya.
Let us also talk about and respond, with protection and resources, for those fleeing countries because they are criminalized and persecuted based on their human sexuality, gender identity and sex characteristics (SOGIESC).
Discuss All - Do for All - Give to ALL … UNCHAIN!
Happy Pesach,
Melanie Nathan, Marc Cohen and Team AHRC African Human Rights Coalition
