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AHRC WARNS LGBTQI Refugees in Nairobi to Avoid Meeting in Public Places Like Hotels IN GROUPS

AHRC IS ISSUING THIS STATEMENT OUT OF CONCERN FOR THE SAFETY AND IN BEST INTERESTS OF LGBTQI+ ASYLUM SEEKERS / REFUGEES AND CBO'S IN KENYA AHRC is warning of the current dangers faced by LGBTQI people in Kenya, to include refugees and CBO’s operating in Nairobi and other towns in Kenya and urging people NOT to attend public meetings, meetings in hotels, or convene in large groups in other venues unless specifically sponsored by or called for by a trusted organization, WHICH you should check for yourself to see if legitimate. We also urge people NOT to be misled by the unauthorized use of LOGOS for organizations such as UNHCR, HIAS, IRC, Danish Refugee Council, NCCK, AHRC, unless you check in with the organization that they are TRULY sponsors or participants in the relevant event. THE DANGER INCLUDES

  • Raids, arrests and detentions

  • Attempts by Opportunists to collect data for misuse or inappropriate fundraising

  • Breaches of private information

  • Traps by criminals

  • And more…

REASONS FOR CAUTION: 1. Currently since the success of the last Court case, essentially a win for LGBTQI community, politicians have been coming out with strong anti-LGBTQI and anti-Refugee statements, that include threatening language. 2. There is political instability in the country and LGBTQI refugees can be drawn in as a country political issue. 3. The region in general is impacted by the Ugandan passage of the anti-homosexuality Act of 2023: a) Many are praising the passage of the law which is now awaiting President Museveni ‘s comment or assent. The laws which calls for ten years to life in prison and death for so called “aggravated homosexuality” is causing more people to flee to Kenya, which impacts visibility of the LGBTQI+ profile in Kenya. b) Also the law is causing some Kenyan politicians to consider promoting harsher anti-LGBT Kenyan law.

4. Kenya has an encampment law and many LGBTQI refugees in Nairobi are not documented for urban residence which could be cause for arrest

5. LGBTQI people in Kenya are criminalized under existing penal codes




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