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Ghana Speaker Gleefully Pushes New Anti-Gay Bill as Most Important Bill in Parliament

By Melanie Nathan, Nov 27, 2923.

In this must see video you will the smiling. somewhat dumbstruck speaker of Parliament is bemused by his inability to call the Bill by name..... judge for yourself by watching video beow'

The new anti-LGBTQ Bill, known as The Family Values Bill (FVB) is on the current Order Papers for the Ghanaian parliament, dated November27, 2023. The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has directed the Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary affairs to expedite work on what he calls "the most important Bill" in Ghana and ready it for a debate next week. The Speaker noted that delaying the Bill creates suspicion.

The Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Kwame Anyimadu Antwi, also responded that "Mr. Speaker has directed us to iron out some phrases and so I have discussed it with the Ranking Member and very soon we will see you [Speaker] in chambers." It is likely that the Bill will pass before December 22, 2023.

Bagbin could not even spit out the word "anti-homosexuality" or "Family Values Bill" or the full name, The Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill of 2021. Yet the Speaker, Alban Bagbin, seemed embarrassingly amused by the notion of this Bill coming to the floor for passage. Yet is serious that to his way of thinking because it is so in public demand, that it is the most important Bill before Parliament.



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