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Kill The Gays Godfather Hon. Bahati is Back With Evangelical Promotion of The New Kill the Gays Bill

Heeeeeee'sssss baaaaaaackkkkkk!

By Melanie Nathan, April 12, 2023.

The now State Minister for Trade Industry and Cooperatives Mr David Bahati made remarks as he represented the former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi at the launch of the Association of Children’s of Lay Readers of the Diocese of Kigezi a ceremony that was held at Rugarama cathedral in Kabale town on Monday, signaling his continued involvement with Uganda's KILL THE GAYS BILL.

The New Anti-Homosexuality Act passed Parliament in March 2023, and is now awaiting assent by President Museveni, whereafter it will bring ten years to life and the death penalty for so called "aggravated homosexuality" to Uganda's LGBTQI+ community. It also includes anti "promotion" clauses - all based on false notions and myths about sexuality and gender identity. Children, who cannot even consent legally to contracts or sex will go to jail for three years if they are caught in homosexual behavior.

Bahati introduced the initial KILL THE GAYS BILL, back in 2013, as a Private member's Bill. The Bill passed the Ugandan Parliament in December 2013 and was signed into law by Museveni in February 2014. However in August of that same year it was nullified by the Ugandan Constitutional Court due to a technicality, no quorum at passage. It has taken ten years for MP Basalirwa Asuman, also through a Private member's Bill, to return it for passage.

Now Bahati raises his involvement yet again by promoting its passage among religious circles, knowing that the fervor he is able to muster delivers a vengeful anti-gay climate to Uganda's L:GBTQI+ community, for the years Bahati believes they have got away with it. In 2013 I asked him a direct question, in our then weekly calls: "If your own child was gay would you deliver them to the death penalty?" He never hesitated "yes, because they did not repent!" This is what Bahati is now involved with, as quoted by a Ugandan press: "Children of the clergy and other church leaders in the country have been asked to be role models of morality in the communities where they live as they fight foreign practices such as homosexuality that are threatening Church ministry and family establishments besides providing counseling services to the victims." The State Minister for Trade Industry and Cooperatives Mr David Bahati made the remarks as he represented the former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi at the launch of the Association of Children’s of Lay Readers of the Diocese of Kigezi a ceremony that was held at Rugarama cathedral in Kabale town on Monday.

You might wonder who is paying his way? Maybe still the Jack Klenk crowd in Washington DC and K street funders.

The Bishop of the Diocese of Kigezi Rt Rev Gaddie Akanjuna was the main preacher at the launch of the association where about 20 modern seats for the cathedral each costing Shs1.2M were raised although a total of 181 seats worth Shs218M are required to fill the diocesan cathedral as they remove the old ones.

“The children of the church leaders should be the moral signposts for others as the church tightens its belt in fighting immoral acts especially homosexuality that are attacking the church ministry. Children of Church leaders must exercise a high degree of morality by avoiding alcoholism besides obeying the 10 commandments in the bible as they live exemplary lifestyles for the rest to emulate,” Mr Bahati said.

Mr Bahati asked the religious leaders in the country to join in prayers so that President Museveni signs the Anti-homosexuality bill that was recently passed by the parliament because acts of homosexuality threaten the establishment of families and church ministry since they are against the Biblical teachings.

“The parliament has done its part by passing the anti-homosexuality bill and the religious leaders in the country have to join in prayers so that President Museveni can sign it turning it into law. Religious leaders have a role to pray in leading the crusade against poverty in the country by promoting saving culture among their flock because the time is now to get out of poverty,” Mr Bahati said before he announced his contribution of 5-modern seats for the cathedral and 10 modern seats from Mr Amama Mbabazi whom he represented at the ceremony.

The Bishop of the Diocese of Kigezi Rt Rev Gaddie Akanjuna asked the Christians in the country to allow the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to change their sinful lifestyles and follow the values of Christianity that require them to love one another and serve the almighty God without reservations.

“Allow the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to save you from your sinful lifestyles. You will always be successful every time you invite Jesus Christ to accompany you in everything that you do. Forget the troubles that you have been going through in the past as you walk in the new life after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I welcome the launch of the association of the children of the lay readers of this diocese and I promise to work with them as we promote evangelism in our churches and communities,” Bishop Akanjuna said.

The chairman of the Association of the Children of the Lay Readers of the Diocese of Kigezi Canon Hillary Byoruganda said that their association was started in 2018 and its launch was delayed because of the covid19 pandemic. He added that the main objective of the association is to supplement the work of evangelism besides supporting all the development activities of the diocese.

“Our other objective of forming this association is to strengthen the holistic approach to church ministry. Our parents did a lot of work to promote evangelism despite their low ranks of being Lay Readers. We must work with the church administration to do the same,” Canon Hillary Byoruganda said.

I smell the stench of America..... the export of homophobia... as it continues its ugly stink.

Lest we forget where it began in 2009....... President Museveni, Ethics Minister Nsaba Buturo and MP David Bahati have been linked to a shadowy religious fundamentalist group in the United States known as the ‘The Family’.



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