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Poo Poo Pastor Ssempa Tries to Join Court Fight to Defend Kill the Gays Act

By Melanie Nathan, September 13, 2023

Heeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaack... notorious porn Pastor Eat da Poo Poo Martin Ssempa

Notorious anti-homosexuality activist, Pastor Martin Ssempa has made application to the Ugandan Court to be joined in the case with the Attorney General as a Respondent in the constitutional petition challenging the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023.

Pastor Ssempa argues that he does not trust the office of the Attorney General to competently defend the Anti Homosexuality Act, 2023 which he insists is a good law to protect the integrity of the family, the sanctity of sexual intercourse, the welfare of children and to preserve the African family and values.

It should be noted that even in 2014, during the Petition challenging the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014, three anti-gay organizations filed an application to be joined as parties through Miscellaneous Constitutional Application No. 23 of 2014. They were: The Inter Religious Council of Uganda, Family Life Network and the Uganda Centre for Law and Transformation (UCLT).

While the Court has rejected the Petitioner’s applications for interim orders, the court seems to be interested in having this application heard as it has issued schedules for its conferencing - which schedules follow the same ones issued for the petitions.

Martin Ssempa acquired his POO POO PASTOR Title as a consequence of his voracious an obsessive anti-gay descriptive attack over many years, that made him a frontline influencer of the Kill the Gays Bill. His current quest for inclusion denotes how he has not given up on his obsession to persecute gays. I am not so sure Jesus would have held hands with Ssempa in the cruelty it takes for Church to join government in a Constitutional challenge based on the right to love and the right to be. Apparently Ssempa has or had a residency/greencard to the United States of America, having married an American woman. Let us wonder if he is a citizen or still has such residency. To keep a green card alive one must visit the USA at least once per year. HERE IS THE SSEMPA FILING IN COURT.

A couple of many Prior Articles re MARTIN SSEMPA in his anti gay porn mouth crusade-:

Anti-Gay Ugandan Extremist Martin Ssempa is U.S. Citizen; | Testimony Sought in U.S. Court Case By Melanie Nathan, April 09, 2015. The Center for Constitutional Rights asked a court to issue a subpoena to Martin Ssempa, a prominent anti-gay crusader in Uganda, to testify in a case brought on behalf of the Ugandan LGBTI rights … MoreSubpoena sought to force testimony in USA from eat da poo poo Martin Ssempa

By Melanie Nathan, July 30, 2014. In a further attack against gays, the Christian and anti-gay groups of Uganda are trying a desperate move to try and defeat the Ugandan Human Rights defender Plaintiff’s from succeeding to prove that the Anti-Homosexuality Act, which was signed into law in February of this year, is unconstitutional. These … MoreChristians and Anti-Gay Groups of Uganda Fight To Save Anti-Homosexuality Act


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