The Kenyan CBO RefCEA is intending to terminate operations. IT IS WITH THIS AND THE BELOW STATEMENT PUBLICLY ON RECORD BY REFCEA'S LEGITIMATE BOARD THAT African Human Rights Coalition (AHRC) advises that the funding reference we provided RefCEA several years ago was intended for a one time application to a particular funder and has since expired and has never been authorized for any further use. That any further use of such reference letter could be construed as fraudulent. Because of what has since come to light we revoke all that could possibly be perceived as a recommendation to fund RefCEA, as this was made based on our trust at the time. We hereby put Craig Paris/ Bashir Yusuf on notice that any use of AHRC as a reference at this point in time will be construed as a misrepresentation of our current position.
For several years, AHRC provided different aspects of support/ association with the Kenyan CBO, REFcea, to include financial, humanitarian and advocacy. We also provided REFcea with a glowing reference to help them obtain grants and external support. This reference was based entirely on our experience which included our trust up until a point when it became apparent that our trust had been breached. It was at that point that we pulled back from involvement with RefCEA and expressed our concerns to other organizations working in the realm. Nothing happened for almost a year after our disassociation with REFcea and our expression of concern, and others continued their support. For many reasons we chose not to go public with our concerns, but rather kept our communications with all concerned, private. We believed that it would be so much worse to expose LGBTQI related corruption publicly as it would tap into the popular myth and lie, especially on the Continent, that ALL LGBTQI people are criminals and not worthy of decriminalization, equality and rights. This decision was very difficult to balance. We would not be going public at this point if it were not for the fact that CRAIG PARIS continues to pose as the legitimate ED of REFcea, when in fact the legitimate ED, Jacob Ssekitto, has been appointed by the BOARD. In late 2021, the REFcea advisory Board sent out a notice alerting partners, funders etc that they had received accusation that the ED of REFcea had misdirected RefCEA funds for his own gain. According to the REFcea governing BOARD, the latter constitutionally constructed under Kenyan law, , the ED, Craig Paris/ Bashir Yusuf continued to operate what is apparently a "shadow" REFcea, after his firing. This has served to be confusing and misleading. In a meeting held by the legitimate BOARD stakeholders were informed that an investigation would ensue. AHRC took the position in that meeting that REFcea should be completely disbanded because of the extensive confusion and breach of trust as well as the admissions made directly and publicly by Craig Paris. Craig Paris has continued to ignore his firing, established confusing email addresses and is operating as if nothing had occurred. In the meantime allegations of sexual misconduct have yet to be fully explained.
IT IS WITH THIS AND THE BELOW STATEMENT PUBLICLY ON RECORD BY REFCEA'S LEGITIMATE BOARD THAT African Human Rights Coalition (AHRC) advises that the funding reference we provided REFcea back in 2020, was intended as a one time application to a particular funder and has expired. That any further use of such reference letter is invalid. Because of what has since come to light we revoke our recommendation, which was made based on our trust at the time. We hereby put Craig Paris/ Bashir Yusuf on notice that any use of AHRC as a reference at this point in time will be construed as a misrepresentation of our current position. Since then at least six months have gone by and now REFcea's BOARD has released the following Statement.
On behalf of Interim Executive Director Jacob Ssekitto and Board Chair Michael B Clark, the Advisory Board (AB) of the Refugee Coalition of East Africa has published the following statement: In the attention of an enormous translucency, we entice immediately and promptly, as stated late last year, to notify our close Partners, Funders, Advocates, and extensively, the LGBTQI refugee community directly that the Refugee Coalition of East Africa is cautiously alerting Mr. Craig Paris/Bashir Yusuf with instantaneous effect, please You are requested to stop violating REFcea's name under your private achievements.
In the imminent time, we will broadcast a more detailed account of the crisis from the perspective of the Advisory Board with the help of the legal partners, including a timeline of all activities taken by the AB as allegations of impropriety on behalf of members of the Secretariat, under the direction of our previous Executive Director, Mr. Craig Paris/Bashir Yusuf. In late October last year, we were alerted to the accusation that Craig misdirected RefCEA funds for his own gain. When these accusations came to light, the AB moved to suspend Craig Paris/Bashir Yusuf. While we organized an external and internal investigation in order to move forward in the most neutral manner possible. However, from the start, every action taken by the AB or investigators was met with lies, misdirection, and empty promises from Mr. Craig Paris/Bashir Yusuf.
The tragic consequence of his litigations has occurred in detailed and utter confusion by supporters like you, as well as halting the trust and supervision you have positioned in RefCEA to enforce projects your organizations have advocated for. We would like our role as the Advisory Board to be faultlessly clear: Craig Paris/Bashir Yusuf is not operating RefCEA and has no labor contending he does. His repeated roadblocks have earned it absurd for the AB to supervise a formal investigation into his frauds, and in conclusion, RefCEA has not been eligible to attain its duty to prevail accountable to the Queer Refugee Community of East Africa. For this justification, the members of the Advisory Board have connected as earlier to permanently terminate all operations as a chartered CBO operating in the Republic of Kenya. Additionally, we propose any Community Member, Donor, Advocate or Journalist drill a radical signal when interacting with Mr. Craig Paris.
To this degree, he can say whatever he wishes; just understand that it is not sanctioned, ruled or to further the mission of RefCEA.
In the interest of continued transparency, we have engaged with legal parties to help us elucidate this matter without delay, as Jacob Ssekitto still operates as the Interim ED REFcea.
