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TV Interview: The Namibian Anti-Child Appeal on Citizenship through Gay Parents

Namibia’s benchmark decision in the case of Luehl v Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, where Judge Thomas Masuku granted a toddler Namibian citizenship through descent of its parent (Oct 13, 2021) has been appealed by the Namibian Government. Here is African Human Rights Coalition executive Director, Melanie Nathan talking about the impending appeal in an interview with Namibian Sun and Africa Good Morning.

Namibian Government Appeal is a Failure to Decolonize Sexuality “By appealing the case, the Namibian Government is in effect propping up colonization and robbing a small child of his rights.” Melanie Nathan

Melanie Nathan is interviewed by the Namibian Press - on African Good Morning by Jana-Mari Smith of Republikein and Namibian Sun.

The Namibian Government is appealing the groundbreaking case granting a toddler citizenship by descent, after a surrogate birth in South Africa to a gay couple, a Namibian and a Mexican dad. This appeal is an attack on the Namibian Constitution, and attempts to thwart progress. While propping up discrimination, it risks the very tenets of surrogacy and adoption, as it applies equally to all, as well as possibly for heterosexual parents.

Clearest Link: Africa Good Morning website FRIDAY 12th Broadcast - at 20:00



YouTube at: 20:00 Minutes on the show Africa Good Morning, Namibian Sun Link:

The Case is also discussed further here, where you can find links to the Judgement and the The Judgement of Court a quo and Appeal filing: HERE.

African Human Rights Coalition provides advocacy and humanitarian services for forcibly displaced and stateless LGBTQI+ people in and from African countries.

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PRESS INQUIRIES: Melanie Nathan @MelanieNathan1

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